2FA (Two Factor Authentication) in CallPlease

CallPlease Enterprise subscription includes the ability of Company Administrators to force users to add Google Authenticator to their log-in requirements.

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) provides additional security against unwanted access to an individual’s account information. Once a User enters their email and password, they are asked for a secondary id to verify themselves. This secondary id is called Two-Factor (2FA) Authentication.

In CallPlease, when this feature is turned on and a new account is created, the IT Admin (or other Company Admin) is asked if they want that User to utilize 2FA. When the User confirms their account and it has 2FA associated with it, the User is then presented with a web page that explains 2FA and gives them instructions for putting Google Authenticator on their mobile device and how to associate it with their CallPlease account.

With 2FA turned on.

After a User sets up 2FA, when the User goes to sign in, they type in their email and password. Then they go Google Authenticator, copy down the six-digit code for CallPlease and enter it into the login page.

There are times when a User may lose their Google Authenticator app or need to reset the CallPlease account. From the People Menu, send the User an email with instructions to reset. Go to the tab that has their account info and click on the 2FA icon (it looks like a key). They’ll receive an email on how to proceed.

2FA reset notification

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